
Roman Bath Dark Ages  Middle Ages  Upheaval Georgian  Nineteenth century  Twentieth century  Twenty first century 

Welcome to Fabled City

Life in Bath through the ages

This site celebrates the city of Bath, its history, buildings and people. It includes imaginative writings to give a flavour of the past.

History pages - now see the menu above for these.  Please sign my guestbook - and please complete the Bath poll opposite - see what others think! Or search the site:  Archsweet.


Lansdown Crescent and the hills towards Bristol (Aug 2000)
Fables About the City of Bath Resources


Look here for fables related to life through the different ages of Bath.

The first part of the new Bath Spa Project - excavation of the former Beau Street Baths I apologise right now for the thinly researched nature of all information on this site. Put it down to keenness to get the site going. I will do proper research very shortly and amend all (probably glaring) errors. Thanks. Archsweet


Last checked 9th April, 2004


FabledCity by mailto:archsweet@hotmail.com

Prior Park (Mar 2000)


Roman Bath Dark Ages  Middle Ages  Upheaval Georgian  Nineteenth century  Twentieth century  Twenty first century